Monthly Archives: March 2014

Green Smoothie Recipe Changes…

Drinking Green Smoothies on a daily basis has become a habit for life. I now crave them as soon as I get up in the morning. Green Smoothies are the first thing I want to drink to start my day. They are the first thing I think of when I want to have a snack and they are the first thing I crave after a run that lasts for 2 hours plus!

At the 6 week mark, I met with the nutritionist at work. When I first heard we had a nutritionist at work whom we could visit for free, I thought “I won’t be meeting with her, I already eat very healthfully.” But the more I thought about it, I realized I could probably glean some valuable information from her. I didn’t go to school to learn nutrition, although, i think that is something that should be taught in schools as an important part of the curriculum like math and english. We eat everyday and majority of people know very little about what they put in their bodies. That’s a whole different thing to blog about.

Anyway, I decided to track everything I ate each day for a week and review it with the nutritionist. Being an ultra runner, my main concern is energy. The running is the fun part. Figuring out what to eat/drink before, during and after is the hard part. Everyone is different. Since I started ultra running a few years ago, I have made many changes in my eating habits to improve my health overall and for running. When she reviewed my list of foods, she told me it looked good in that I was getting all of the vitamins and minerals needed; However she pointed out that I was still eating too many carbs and not getting enough protein and good fats for recovery and energy. The irony of this is that when my friend told me he was on a high-fat diet, I was shocked and thought I’ll never do something like that (check out his blog, I always have to be mindful of what I say because I usually end up doing what I say I won’t. Anyway, I’m going to focus my protein and good fat increase with more of a plant -based meal plan. Currently, I’m not a vegetarian, but now more than ever, I have been steering myself towards eating more plant-based foods. Why? I feel better.

After that discussion, I have made a few changes to my overall eating plan as well as to my Green Smoothie. The Green Smoothie changes that I made are 1) I removed the ground flaxseed. My body was not adjusting to it for the past 6 weeks as I was constantly bloated and uncomfortable. The day I stopped, is the day I felt better. The nutritionist mentioned it could also have been bad flaxseed. She said it’s better to buy whole flaxseed, grind it in the coffee grinder and then store it in the fridge to keep it fresh. It’s not as fresh when it’s bought already ground up and not stored in the fridge. Now I know. 2) I added coconut oil to my smoothie to get some good fat in my system and 3) I added organic pea protein.

My next task is to figure out what am I going to do about my Green Smoothies when I have to travel to China for 10 days for work?

Still drinking Green Smoothies…

It’s the beginning of week six and I’m still drinking green smoothies! Originally it was a 30 day challenge, but now I have become addicted to them. In the beginning I was worried I wouldn’t make it to 30 days because I saw it as an effort to make sure I always have the ingredients and to wake up early enough to make them. But I have been able to incorporate green smoothies in my daily life to the point that I don’t want to miss having one or two a day. I’m at the point where I want to have 3 a day, one before each meal.

I don’t have much of a progress report right now other than I feel great and love the green smoothies, but I recently I have read an article discussing how sugar is just as addictive as drugs.

This article made me realize that I didn’t just have a “sweet tooth” I had a real sugar addiction.  I started eating more healthfully 2 years ago. I mindfully stopped eating fast food; that was step 1. Then I started to eat more organic/non GMO foods. After that I started added Chia seeds to everything and eating salads daily. And now I’ve added Green Smoothies to the menu. It’s been a gradual process to get to where I am now. It didn’t happen over night that’s for sure.

Other articles that support the same idea:

I also started reading the book, Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and I read about the difference between “toxic hunger” and “true hunger.” He states, “toxic hunger is a physical addiction to an unhealthful, low-micronutrient diet. Its symptoms are generally feelings that we have been taught to interpret as hunger. However, they are actually signs of your body’s toxicity.” So basically, I just learned that what I’m feeling is not hunger pains, but actually withdrawal as if my body is coming off of an addiction.  Dr. Fuhrman lists the symptoms of Toxic Hunger as the following: Headaches, Weakness, shakiness, fatigue, stomach cramping, light-headedness, esophageal spasms, growling stomach, irritability and inability to concentrate.  Yes! I get these symptoms everyday at 9am if I haven’t had my chai tea latte yet. I’ve been testing myself and found it happened again this morning, right at 9am I started to get a headache and my stomach was cramping. I had a great breakfast. Why would I be hungry at 9am? I waited an hour to see if the symptoms would subside or if I were really hungry. By 10am my headache was gone. I had forgotten about the chai tea latte. Had I not been testing myself, I probably would have completely forgotten about it. But because I had no willpower, I went and got one from Starbucks. I then had to go through the withdrawal symptoms again later in the afternoon and I became more irritable. This is all very interesting! I remember when I quit coca-cola, I had withdrawal symptoms for about 2 weeks. Dr. Fuhrman lists True Hunger cues as the following: A sensation in your throat, Increased salivation, A dramatically heightened taste sensation. I am now trying to pay attention to my hunger cues to see if I have True hunger or Toxic hunger.

Everyday I am learning something new.  I’m really enjoying this green smoothie challenge for life!